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This is super adorable! Love the aesthetics!


super cute! cant wait to see more stuff from you :D


Amazing work for this cute lil' game !! I hope there is a sequel in the development :)


probably the best game ever made or maybe not


Made a video


This was really fun and cute! I would love to see more of it honestly.

<3 Maybe one day when I have more ideas for the mechanics, but thanks for giving it a whirl ! And yea dude, love whatever the heck you want to love too !

(1 edit) (+1)

That was awesome! Short and sweet, but a lot of fun! Great art too.


I configured an Xpadder profile for this game and it works great! Especially cool because I can assign C+B to one button for shooting, but still have them separate on other buttons if I need them separate as well. Super fun game!


i like it


This was delightful. Good concept, good execution. A simple concept lovingly performed. Final boss fight took me a few iterations to figure out the rules, but I was having fun the whole time. 

Plus, the whole thing is adorable AF. Top marks!

(1 edit) (+1)

i'm not able to play, but from the looks of it, (and from the fact that i LOVE FERRETS) it seems amazing!

also it reminds me of FNAF world.


Top Notch Buddy.


Aw gosh, thank -you- !